In 1974 Dr. Hemwall presented the results of 2007 prolotherapy patients. The results were 75.5% of the patients reported complete recovery or cure, 24.3% reported general improvement and 0.2% showed no improvement.
Prolotherapy versus intraoperative fusion in the treatment of joint instability of the spine and pelvis. Results: The success rate of the fusion was very variable. The success rate of the prolotherapy was an 80-90% cure rate.
Journal of the International College of Surgeons, 1964 42:150-159.
George Hackett, M.D. presented data of the American Medical Association in June 1955 on prolotherapy and neck pain. 563 patients participated. 82% considered themselves cured.
43 patients with chronic low back pain who had been unresponsive to other treatments, including surgery underwent Prolotherapy to the sacroiliac joint area over a period of six weeks. 93% of the patients reported significant improvement. Only three of the patients reported no improvement.
Schwartz R. Prolotherapy: A literature review and retrospective study; Journal of Neurology, Orthopedic Medicine and Surgery 1991: 12:220-223.
A study performed by Merriman compared Prolotherapy versus intra-operative fusion in the treatment of joint instability of the spine and pelvis. The success rate of the prolotherapy was an 80-90% cure rate. The success rate of the fusion was variable.
Journal of the International College of Surgeons, 1964 42:150-159.
656 patients received a total of 18,000 injections. 12 years after prolotherapy was completed, 82% of the patients considered themselves cured.
Hackett M.D. Low back pain British Journal of Physical Medicine 1956 19.25-33
A double-blind study in one of the most prestigious medical journals was conducted on the most difficult patients with continuous low back pain. These patients suffered for 10 years or longer and had surgery, medications, manipulations, exercise, physical therapy and other treatments. These interventions failed to provide adequate relief for 10 or more years. 88% of the group treated with prolotherapy had moderate to marked improvement.
Ongley, M. A new approach to the treatment of low back pain. Lancet July, 1987 2:143-145.
91% of 177 patients with chronic spinal pain had reduced pain, 84% had improvement in work ability and 85% could do self-care more easily. Hooper RA; Ding M Retrospective case series on patients with chronic spinal pain treated with dextrose.
Chronic LBP: Hooper et al 2004.
In the prestigious journal Spine, a randomized study showed the success rate in reducing pain and improving disability are at least as good as those reported for spinal cord stimulation, surgery or multidisciplinary treatment for patients with low back pain. Additionally, they found significant reductions in the chronic low back pain and disability 2 years after injections were performed.
Spine 29(1):9-16, 2004.
57% improved markedly with 72% improvement in disability scores and 76% in pain in patients with degenerative disc disease.
Klein et al 2003.
43.3% of patients with severe degenerative disc disease had sustained improvement, with an average improvement of 71%.
Miller MR, Mathews RS, Reever KD. Treatment of painful advanced internal disc derangement with intradiscal injection of hypertonic dextrose. Pain Physician 2006 9:115-121.
80% of patients with failed back syndrome obtained good to excellent relief of pain following prolotherapy. Patients also reported improvement in work capacity and social functioning.
Wilkinson HA Injection therapy for enthesopathies causing axial spine pain and failed back syndrome: a single-blinded, randomized and cross-over study. Pain Physician, Apr 2005, 8(2)
P 167-73.
Knee arthritis: After prolotherapy injections, there was an improvement in pain, swelling, knee-buckling, and flexion by 44%, 63%, 85%, and 14 degrees respectively. There was also an improvement in cartilage thickness on X-ray.
Reeves KD, Hassanein K Randomized prospective double-blind placebo-controlled study of dextrose prolotherapy for knee arthritis with or without ACL laxity. Alt Ther Hlth Med
2000;6(2):37-46. Please click here to see the full journal article on the use of prolotherapy for arthritis.
Prolotherapy performed for knee arthritis by a trained operator resulted in safe, significant and sustained and consistent improvements on validated, quality-of-life, pain, function, and stiffness measures.
George Hackett presented data in front of the AMA on June 1958 on prolotherapy and cervical whiplash. 82% of patients considered themselves cured.
Statistically significant correlations between proliferant injections, a reduction of both cervical flexion and extension translation, as well as a reduction in pain score
Christopher J Ceteno, MD, James Elliott, MSPT, PhDc Pain Physician 2005; 8:67-72 Fluoroscopically Guided Cervical prolotherapy for instability with blinded pre and post radiographic
92% of career-threatened elite athletes returned to full elite-level performance in a timely and sustainable manner after regenerative therapy using dextrose.
Am J. Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;87(11):90-902.
Dextrose prolotherapy showed marked efficacy for chronic groin pain in this group of elite rugby and soccer athletes.
Topol GA, Reeves KD, Hassanein K. Efficacy of Dextrose Prolotherapy in Elite Male Kicking-Sport Athletes With Chronic Groin Pain. Archives Phys Med Rehabil, 2005;86:697-702.
Using simple dextrose injection into 16 knees with loose ACL ligament, 10/16 knees were no longer loose by machine measurement at the time of follow-up, and symptoms were improved. Symptoms of osteoarthritis improved even in those who still tested loose.
Long-term effects of dextrose prolotherapy for anterior cruciate ligament laxity; A prospective and consecutive patient study. Reeves KD Hassanein K Alt Ther Hlth Med 2003;9(2):
Excellent results using prolotherapy for recurring headaches. Dextrose Prolotherapy for Recurring Headaches and Migraine Pain by Ross A. Hauser, MD and Heather McCullough, MA.
Good to excellent results were reported by Dr. Hackett in 90% of 82 consecutive patients he treated with neck and/or headache pain.
Hackett G. Prolotherapy in whiplash and low back pain. Postgraduate Medicine. 1960. pp 214-219.
Hackett G. Prolotherapy for headache. Headache. 1962. 1:3-11.
Prolotherapy yielded a significant reduction in pain at rest and during tendon-loading activities in patients with chronic tendinosis of the Achilles tendon.
Maxwell NL, Ryan MB. Sonographically guided intertendinosus injection of hyperosmolar dextrose to treat chronic tendinosis of the Achilles tendon: A pilot study, JR Am J Roentgenol.
2007 Oct; 189(4): 215-20
Reduction in pain levels and increased functional abilities were seen in 75% of patients with severe fibromyalgia using prolotherapy.
Reeves KD, Treatment of Consecutive Severe Fibromyalgia Patients With Prolotherapy. The Journal of Orthopedic Medicine 16(3):84-89.
A study using rabbits showed that after five injections the ligament mass increased by 44%, the thickness by 27% and the strength of the ligament bone junction increased by 28%. This study showed that prolotherapy actually causes tissue growth and strengthening.
Liu, Y Connective Tissue Research 1983 2:95-102.
Rabbit tendons treated with sodium morrhuate. Six weeks after treatment the diameter of the tendons increased by 20-25%.
Maynard J. Morphological and biomechanical effects of sodium morrhuate on tendons. Journal of Orthopedic Research 1985 3: 236-248.
Disclaimer: All information provided by Dr. Bloom is for educational purposes only It is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or injury. Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed.
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